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Causes of Bed Bugs – West Ashley, SC

West Ashley, South Carolina is located in Charleston County and near the cities of Mt Pleasant and North Charleston. About three years ago a young lady called our office to inquire about our bed bug treatment and associated costs.

She was very anxious and stressed out and it was also 3:30 am and the middle of the night. She was panicking because she had just moved into an apartment near the college and the person that was renting her the room had not disclosed the fact that the last roommate moved out because the home had bed bugs. Her parents had helped her locate to the area to go to college, but she had no family, friends, or acquaintances in the area to turn to for help. She had only moved into the shared rental two days prior and still had many of her things in boxes. She was lucky to discover the bed bugs on her second night as it often takes several months before people figure out what the actual issue is. She was from California so she had not adjusted to the time difference which turned out to be a good thing.

What Do Bed Bugs Looks Like?

Being excited about starting school and learning about her new apartment in West Ashley she had been reading late at night, in her bed, when she realized there was a bug crawling across her bedspread. After looking at the bug and then looking at internet pictures of bugs she realized it looked just like a bed bug and that’s when she lost it. She called and I patiently listened to her entire story and then as calmly as possible I explained that bed bugs are just an insect and they can be killed and that we could help solve her problem. She was adamant that she would be moving out and was so angry with the new roommate that she just didn’t want to stay there. Since it was 3:30 in the morning and she was wide awake I advised her to start placing any unpacked clothing items through the hot dryer and then placing them in clean garbage bags and into her car. She also planned to go out the next morning and rent a studio apartment that had been her other initial option.

Pictures of Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Heat Treatment in our Mobile, Insulated Heat Trailer

We agreed to heat treat her belongings in our mobile, insulated heat trailer and then we delivered her belongings to her new place. We arrived early and heated her belongings for relocation. The roommate was there and didn’t seem to have any remorse or guilt in having exposed her to the bed bugs--what’s up with the kids these days? Luckily for her the studio was still available and the landlord let her move in that evening. We delivered her belongings, unloaded them and followed up in 30 days as per our program. I’d say she is one of the lucky ones that found the bedbugs early enough to get out of her lease and had parents that were able to help her pay for heat treating her belongings and having them delivered and moved into her new place. I don’t even think she ever got a bed bug bite!

*The key is to detect bed bugs early. Then getting rid of them is not such a daunting task.

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Do You Want Help With Bed Bugs?

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  • We kill bed bugs using Heat Complimentor, Dusts, and Sprays
  • 90 Day Guarantee. Extended warranties available for frequent travelers and other high risk groups
  • 30 day follow-up to ensure bed bugs are gone (by K-9 Team)
  • 6 months same as cash financing available
  • 1 Day Treatment
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