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How People React to Bed Bug Bite

Bed Bug University

Bed Bug University

Bed Bug Bite Reaction

There are many different reactions to being bitten by a bed bug. It is possible that while some family members react to bed bug bites other members in the family may have no reaction at all. It is an old wives tale that bed bugs bite in a line. It may appear to be a line, but this is because of how the person’s body was laying on the bed. Generally speaking, bites appear as raised red bumps on the skin which are usually very itchy.

Some people show a mild reaction and in a few extreme cases have been bitten by bedbugs for over a year without them or their medical doctors being able to identify that they have bed bugs. Many medical doctors are unaware or have had little experience with bed bugs. Even for doctors who are familiar with bed bugs it is almost impossible to determine if the bites are bed bugs as insect bites are hard to diagnose anyway and the reactions are so varied.

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