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Worst Case Scenario of Bed Bugs

Bed Bug University

Bed Bug University

Worst Case Bed Bug Infestations

Paul Bello stated that his worst case of bed bugs was in an apartment that had a single occupant in his seventies. It was a sparsely furnished apartment. He visited the apartment the day after it was treated for bedbugs as part of the follow-up treatment. What he saw amazed him.

Dead bed bugs were mounded like drifted snow on the sliding glass door tracks. Piles of dead bed bugs were in every corner of every room. The floors and walls were covered with fecal stains. The last few surviving bed bugs were seen crawling along the crown moldings. Within 48 hours this person was moved out and follow-up treatments were scheduled. The elderly man said he didn’t feel he was being bitten but it was clear that he was suffering from mental health related conditions.

Hotel Worst Case

The other “worst case scenario” as of the writing of this, has been going to hotels where several were infested with around 75% of the rooms being infested with bed bugs.

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  • We kill bed bugs using Heat Complimentor, Dusts, and Sprays
  • 90 Day Guarantee. Extended warranties available for frequent travelers and other high risk groups
  • 30 day follow-up to ensure bed bugs are gone (by K-9 Team)
  • 6 months same as cash financing available
  • 1 Day Treatment
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